About me

I'm a logical problem solver, advocate for simple solutions. Overall a generalist and quick thinker, I provide ideas taking into consideration the bigger picture and business needs, and I pride myself on being able to develop and implement simple systems quickly and efficiently.

I'm at home in a Python + PostgreSQL stack, but dabble with anything from API design and development, DevOps and ML.



Trying to learn more about a11y these days.


Currently using SASS, looking forward to use its features in a couple of projects.


Worked with modern javascript(ES6) & Angular, React and with TypeScript really interesting.


Probably the best agnostic dynamic language.


There's no standard framework in web development with Python, but I regularly cycle through these depending on the size/specs of the projects I'm currently working on.


Started off using MySQL in a classic LAMP stack, then transitioned to PostgreSQL. I've also used Redis in a production environment and played with MongoDB in some side projects.


I usually work in a Linux environment and use Git as version control for my code. I deploy on either Heroku, AWS or DigitalOcean, depending on the size of the project and my mood. In the past I used CakePHP and developed some custom websites with Wordpress.

What's Next

Currently looking into improving my overall understanding of complex architecture design, cybersecurity and machine learning.

Side Projects


(Unofficial) Slack integration for Calendly


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